I Am Depressed – What Is the Solution?

I Am Depressed – What Is The Solution?

About 121 million people in the world are coping with depression and extreme and chronic stress is often at the root of this condition. Is immunity available for it?

If we take ourselves to the doctor with certain symptoms, we are classed as mentally ill and given a script for antidepressants and/or sent to a therapist. But, is this the best answer for such a massive number of people? What is really going on here?

Are we just a machine that has become defective and needs fixing? If we are coping with depression, immunity does not come in a bottle of tablets. Popping pills just reinforces peoples’ belief that there is something wrong with them and, if we look to the past for therapeutic solutions, that is where we are likely to remain.

We are being given conflicting information from the experts themselves on a variety of topics,as even they do not have all the answers.

On the one hand we are told, that low serotonin levels can leave us coping with depression and so, to gain immunity, we can increase these levels by eating chocolate, doing exercise and getting out into the sun. With the same breath, we are informed that chocolate is bad for us and that too much sun can lead to cancer.

Let’s enjoy a glass of red wine, its benefits include protecting us from growing tumours and reducing our stress levels, – oh no! Can’t do that! Alcohol is apparently a depressant that actually causes cancer.

Well, what is anyone to believe and is it any wonder most of us are experiencing chronic stress and left coping with depression; the sign of a conflicted mind?

We don’t know which way to turn or what to do for the best.The only thing that we need to change is our erroneous thinking.

Maybe the real problem lies in our disconnection to our own inner selves. If we belive that outer things can provide immunity from our own negative thoughts, we are living in a dream world.

Our lack of trust and faith in our own ability to solve our problems and raise our self-esteem in the process, is the problem we are all facing in this world.

What better immunity to coping with depression could there be, than focussing on solutions and constructive thoughts, and trusting that we do have the answers within us and the strength to carry them out?

Coping With Depression- If you would like to free yourself from negative memories that are keeping your depression in placed,you can read more here: http://www.erasebadmemoriesnow.com Sign up now for our regular Newsletter at http://WWW.www.cureanxietyanddepression.comCureAnxietyAndDepression.Com – full of motivational tips and suggestions, helping you take your next step towards a calmer life!

Article from articlesbase.com

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