Teen Depression Symptoms

Teen Depression Symptoms

Everyone feels down at some point. It’s normal to feel the “blues.” But if you are sad most of the time and the feeling is starting to affect your grades, relationships, and your behavior in many ways, then the problem may be more than just the “blues.” It may be teen depression, a serious illness that approximately four out of a hundred teenagers suffer through each year. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers.

As many as one in every 33 children and approximately one in 8 adolescents may have depression. (Center for Mental Health Services, 1996; these data have increased over the past 9 years).


A temporary dip in grades can be normal and due to some fleeting problem, but a habitual disconnect between earnest work habits and good grades are a warning sign that your teen might have an undetected learning disability.

Sometimes homework problems are just a matter of needing a snack or a little break. Occasionally, a change in venue helps-some kids concentrate better. Some like to be tucked away in their rooms and far away from any possible distraction;

Persistent feelings of sadness (You cry a lot and for no apparent reason)

* Persistent feelings of guilt, again, for no real reason (You feel like you are no good or are worthless)

* Loss of confidence or low self-esteem

Depression Symptoms

There are a many different types of depression and although many of the symptoms that apply to each will be similar, there are some additional signs to look out for within each type of depressive disorder.

The signs and symptoms of teen depression are very similar to adult depression. The unfortunate truth, however, is that parents and the teens themselves might have a difficult time recognizing them since the teen years are so filled with emotional peaks and pitfalls.

• Low moods and sadness for most of the time

• Disinterest and lack of pleasure in most activities including sex

• Weight gain or loss with associated increased or diminished appetite

• Sleep disturbances – both insomnia and hypersomnia

• Feeling exhausted when waking up

• Irritability, agitation and restlessness

Teen depression is treated in much the same manner as adult depression. It generally includes a combination of psychotherapy and perhaps even medication. The idea will be to help the teen identify the root cause, alleviate the symptoms and help give him or her the tools necessary to cope.

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