Q&A: My Teenage Brain Research Paper!!! Correct My Paragraph?? && I Need More Info! Help!!!?
Question by ??????? ? Click ? ???????: my teenage brain research paper!!! correct my paragraph?? && i need more info! help!!!?
Im doing a research project on the teenage brain. In this paragraph, Im talking about how drugs can cause damage to the brain. Here is my paragraph…yes i realize I do not have a lot of information. Does anyone else know any additional information on what drugs can do to a teenage brain? Not including ALCOHOL!
Drugs are just as bad as alcohol. Drugs can cause “slower development of the brain and body, meaning that teens who use drugs are likely to have smaller brains and to be shorter, loss of short-term memory and ability to learn, undeveloped motor skills, lack of motivation, impaired emotional and sexual development, deviant behavior and conduct disorders, inability to judge risks, depression and suicidal tendencies, eating disorders, personality and psychiatric disorders, damage to the blood vessels in the brain which can lead to strokes, convulsions or seizures, and reduced brain function which can lead to coma or death.” (Drug Use Effects – Teen Drug Abuse)
Best answer:
Answer by txpyxie
Is this your opening paragraph? If so, use every point in your thesis to make other paragraphs. The second paragraph would be about slower development overall, then break it down.
You do need to rethink the organization of the paragraph, and watch you run ons & punctuation.
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