Can I Stop Seeing the Rhetorical “Fact American’s Pay More in Health Care Then Any Other Country”?

Question by Obama: Why So Socialist: Can I stop seeing the rhetorical “Fact American’s pay more in health care then any other country”?
Let me tilt this into the right perspective.


In other words, you’re indirectly paying for it through taxes, it be like an idiot saying “Omg public schools are so cheap they’re free”

Also American’s are unhealthy compared to socialized countries. We are because we have the liberty to kill our selves. In other countries that have socialized medicine. They “Nanny” you into being healthy, so you can cost less to them in health care.

How do they do this?
A) Tax Gas to a price where people end up riding bikes or walking to go to places. Which encourages exercise.
B) Tax Junk Food, kind of obvious
C) Tax cigarettes so people will be less encouraged to do so. To reduce chances of cancer and heart attack.
D) Tax unhealthy drinks like Soda and other drinks high in sugar.

Do you get the point? In Socialized Medicine countrys people there are “Healthy” because the government Nannied them into being healthy so health care is cheaper.

If you disbelieve me, go to the CDC. Look at the top 10 deaths in America. They’re all life style related. American’s are the reason why Obesity, Alcoholism, and other stupid things are “Diseases”

All Life style. That’s why American’s are so unhealthy. It’s because we have the liberty to kill our selves. Unlike socialized medicine areas.
ColleenIsBack: “When the governmental spending of health care”

Where does the government get it’s money from? Obama Money is tax payer money.

The government can only tax and spend that tax payer money.

You’re playing musical dollars. Shifting it around. So is health care affordable because you’re using someone else money? Why not look at the costs, instead of using someone else money to subsidize the lack of payment that beholds you.
Captain Cold: How do you get a 34% best answer rating, when you just spew emotions. Not even logic. I’m disappointed.
PragueGuy: Yeah I don’t. That’s why when you go to the UK. Everyone there doesn’t have the things we can easilly dispose. How many cars does the average UK family have? How much food do they eat? How many things can they afford? Probably nothing, they’re taxed and Nannied into being healthy. The government has costs to cut as well when it’s funding health care. It too can go bankrupt. So yes I do know what I am talking about. Unless you disagree with me that the government can’t go bankrupt and doesn’t need to cut costs with preventative medicine.
Lets go fishing!: Perfect a Canadian. I love this one.

You know why Canadians die from Colon Cancer more then Americans?

It’s because Canada purposely made the best drug for colon cancer illegal. Since it costs too much money.

Ain’t that cheap. The government cheated you out of the best option of health care because it is too expensive for 1 person.

Oh the tender love and care from a bureaucrat.

A Woman sued the NHS in the United Kingdom, because they denied giving her the same drug breast cancer victims in America get. For the same purpose, it’s too expensive.

The government has to cut costs as well. Thanks for playing.
Captain Bathrobe: The problem with using ‘per capita’, is because America isn’t socialist. Per Capita is saying what the average person has. It’s stupid to use in America because America is a system where not everyone is treated the same. It’s all about class. In a socialist or communist state, per capita is stable where everyone has similar wealth. Especially with health care in both.

Second you hit the nail on the head. You touched on preventative care. That’s the Nanny I am talking about. They cut costs by preventing you from costing a lot of income to which they will have you make healthy choices. Weather that individual is aware or not. That’s why you see people in the UK riding bikes, gas is too expensive. It makes sense.
Joe in texas: I agree with you. I think the problem is quantity vs quality. Plus the UN purposely ranks it’s self better then America in health care. The scale it uses to measure health care isn’t about quality. It’s about quantity. The four things that matter to them are 1. Acessability, 2. Affordability, 3. Overall Care, 4. Satisfaction.

It’s stupid because 1, 2, and 4, are all rigged. And in a socialized medicine world accessibility and affordability are pointless on the scale. That’s how they get away with America being ranked under Cuba. Sorry for the rant. I just get annoyed.
Hairy: Uh…I agree with Obesity being the center of a lot of disease. Which feeds my thesis in saying it is life style related.

Second I doubt your accurate with being in RN since you make 10 dollars an hour…
Kristina: How do you use the Per Capita system with a socialist country compared to a capitalist country. This is very inaccurate. I say this because Per Capita is what per person has. In America with health care everyone has a different income. In Canada everyone’s income is simular with health care because it is Nationalized. This is a stupid comparison. You can’t compare a system that’s based on different payments (American), to a system that is based on socialized payment (Canada). It’s naive to use Per Capita. It doesn’t work with America. Not to mention inside of America, every state has different costs of living. It costs alot more to live in California, then it does in Nevada. So the per capita would be totally different. Do you understand how useless that scale is in a capitalist system?

Best answer:

Answer by liberal lion tamer
You’re on a roll tonight…. I love it when nobody seems to realize our life expectancy might be lower because some of our cities have more murders per year than some countries or maybe because we drive a lot more than other countries and of course get into more fatal automobile accidents than other countries.

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