Physical Health Assessments
Physical Health Assessments
Darren Gates~~What risk factors do you have for diabetes, heart attack or stroke? Would you recognize the early signs of heart attack or stroke? Do you suffer from allergies to plants or foods? Do you have warning signs for different types of cancer? Answer these Yes/No questions to help you learn the symptoms and warning signs of a number of physical health conditions and help you figure out if you or someone you love is suffering from them. This application consists of the following assessments (surveys):1) Heart Attack RiskHeart disease occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrower – the result is often a heart attack. Take this quick assessment to learn the risk factors for a heart attack and help you determine if you should make some lifestyle changes to reduce your own heart attack risk. 2) Slow Heart AttackNo one doubts a heart attack is happening when it is sudden and intense. But most heart attacks begin slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Most people do not recognize a slow heart attack, happening to themselves or someone else, and wait too long to get help. By knowing and recognizing the symptoms of a slow heart attack, you could prevent someone from having a massive, sudden heart attack. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of a slow heart attack and help you determine if you or someone you care about has had a slow heart attack that may lead to a sudden heart attack.3) Risk for StrokeA stroke occurs when the arteries to the brain become blocked or rupture, cutting off the blood supply to the brain and causing brain tissue to die. Are you at risk for a stroke? Take this quick assessment to learn more about the risk factors for stroke, and help you determine if there are lifestyle changes you can make to lower your risk of stroke.4) Early Stroke SymptomsGetting treatment within 3 hours of the first signs of stroke can help stop the brain damamge and resulting disability. Take this quick assessment to learn more about the early warning signs and symptoms of stroke, and help you determine if you or someone you know may have suffered a stroke. You may need this knowledge to save a life, including your own, someday.5) Diabetes (Type 2) RiskType 2 diabetes affects the body’s ability to use the insulin it produces. Type 2 diabetes can sometimes be reversed with weight loss, a healthy diet, and exercise. Take this quick assessment to learn the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes and help you determine your own risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.6) DiabetesParents often overdiagnose diabetes in their children. Just drinking a lot or dry, itchy skin alone is not a strong indicator of diabetes, but when combined with other diabetes symptoms may be cause for concern. Take this quick assessment to learn the symptoms of diabetes and help you determine if you or your child may have diabetes.7) Seasonal AllergiesPeople who are allergic to the spring and fall pollens also tend to be sensitive to indoor irritants like dust mites, animal dander, and molds, often leading to year-round allergy symptoms. Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of seasonal allergies and help you determine if you or your child suffers from seasonal allergies.8) Food AllergyTake this quick assessment to learn the signs of food allergies and help you determine if you or your child is allergic to certain foods.9) Cold or FluDo you have a simple cold or the flu? Take this quick assessment to learn the signs of flu and help you determine if you or your child has the flu or just a cold.10) Early PregnancyWondering if you’re pregnant? The symptoms of pregnancy are not the same for every woman. The symptoms in this assessment are in no particular order, but answer these few questions to learn more about what to expect very early during pregnancy and help you determine if you may be pregnant.
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