When Tragedies Happen Why Do People Always Say This?

Question by John: when tragedies happen why do people always say this?
regarding a recent tragedy (dont even remember where, since this stuff happens all the time now) where a guy killed his 3 kids and his wife.

Everyone says “oh, i never saw any problems” or “they were a nice quiet family”

Are you seriously telling me that NO ONE saw any signs? I mean come on… there is always a sign….

any comments appreciated. Sick of this crazy violence and mostly men taking out their families or coworkers because they “cant handle stress”… why dont they just take their OWN lives and not the lives of others?

Best answer:

Answer by Kate
It’s sad, but it’s been happening since the beginning of time! People have always been crazy! Just google Albert Fish… he was a serial killer in the early 1900s. Anyhow, I’m with you, there are always signs!

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