Tired? Depressed? Fat?
Tired? Depressed? Fat?
AdvertEffect LLC~~You often feel tired, depressed and fat when you have HyperThyroidism. This app tries to asses such a risk. Hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland, the butterfly shaped gland in the lower neck area, that causes it to produce lower level of Thyroid hormone. This hormone is necessary to every cell of the body to metabolize energy. Such an important process is poorly understood. You can end up tired and depressed to do simple daily activities. In Indian traditional medicine it is known as ‘tortoise affliction’.The level of thyroid hormone is usually indirectly detected by measuring TSH level in the blood. Doctors/Medical associations do not agree on the correct level of TSH which itself is a tricky measure. As such detection of the disease can be delayed or missed. You can find references in literature to people being on psychiatric drugs for years before a proper diagnosis. When detected, it is fairly easy tortoise correct. The longer it continues the longer slow damage goes on to organs in the body.The application offers a way for people to familiarize with the symptoms of the disease. This is based on some personal experiences and literature, no medical advice is implied. Please do not use the app if you may have mental agony over symptoms described. Do not let others, kids for example, to use the app.The disease can mimics various diseases to make matters worse. So none of these symptoms need to be from the disease. The application is fairly easy to use. Answer each question by moving the slider from ‘no to ‘yes’ or keep it in-between depending on how sure you are about the question. You can tap on the screen to flip it to see more details/images on the other side. Not all screens have information on the other side on flipping. You can also go back[<<<] to a previous question or go forward [>>>] from the navigation bar. Not that the slider is reset to ‘no’ when you do that. There are 50 questions and you get a result screen at the end.Let us know if you have suggestions or questions at [email protected].
Price: $ 0.00
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