Q&A: Could IBS Stop Your Menstrual Cycle?
Question by Monster: Could IBS stop your menstrual cycle?
I missed my period in both December and January and I was worried that I was pregnant.
But the only pregnancy symptom I’ve had was missing my menstrual cycle.
I’ve been feeling very sick and tired lately and my research shows that I may suffer from IBS.
I want to know if IBS is capable of stopping my period.
I’ve always suspected I’ve had a mild case of IBS in the past. But over the last 2 months it has gotten worse. I am very sure I have IBS.
I did some research and I suffer from all the listed symptoms.
Here’s a list of some of the symptoms.
” * Anxiety or depression.
* Fatigue.
* Headache.
* Unpleasant taste in the mouth.
* Backache.
* Sleeping problems (insomnia) not caused by symptoms of IBS.
* Sexual problems, such as pain during sex or reduced sexual desire.
* Heart palpitations (feeling like the heart skips a beat or is fluttering).
Symptoms often occur after a meal, during stressful times, or during menstruation.”
My stomach has grown almost an inch and has gotten firm and I always feel bloated.
I’ve also been a bit stressed and I’ve missed my period before (for 6 months, due to stress)
Has this happen to any other woman out there?
Have you thought you were pregnant but it was just IBS?
Is there anything I could do?
Going to the DR. isn’t really an option because I have no insurance and no money. I’d love to see a DR, but it’s out of the question at the moment.
serious answers only, please.
Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by Tessa
IBS cannot cause that. However, stress causes IBS and stress can cause skipped periods.
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