The Consequences of Excessive Alcohol Drinking
The consequences of excessive alcohol drinking
Anniversaries, birthdays, getting promotion are only some from a wide variety of occasions for raising glass in a toast. In far too many cases social events and meetings are treated as the need of drink, as it is not appropriate to refuse someone. Alas, a toast does not usually limit to one glass of wine or a paint of beer. Moreover, many people cannot imagine outgoing and having fun without alcohol. Even though the problem of excessive drinking is well- publicized nowadays, a lot of people underestimate the danger and not take the early signs of addiction seriously. Before occasional drinking turns into a bad unhealthy habit, we should take into account the negative consequences of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, that are damaging effects on our behavior, body, and in the long run, on society.
The first evident and common outcome of an alcohol binge is a change in person’s behaviour. Due to the fact that many people lead hectic and stressful lives, consuming alcohol beverages usually results in the increase of anxiety, helplessness and hopelessness. Excessive drinking can even give rise to depression. Another behavioural disorder that is widespread among alcoholics is aggression. Verbal and physical abuses are the consequences of drunks’ impulsiveness that they are not able to contain. The most dangerous thing in alcoholics’ behaviour is the inability of controlling their activities connected with partial unconsciousness. After some time of excessive drinking people are unable to do everyday activities and the results of it are common accidents on roads and at work places.
Secondly, people cannot act properly and do everyday duties as the function of the body deteriorates after overindulging in alcohol. They may suffer from minor ailments, such as nausea, headache or dizziness that are nagging but usually not very dangerous. Alas, continuous alcohol consumption affects one’s health to a great extent. Different medical investigations have proven that alcohol is the cause of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, heart diseases and it also increases the chances of developing oesophagus and stomach cancer. Many alcoholics must undergo treatment for the rest of their lives. However, a great deal of people overindulging in alcohol do not care about their heath condition and long alcohol binges give rise to the collapse of the body and, consequently, to death.
Last but not least, all these effects of alcohol on individuals cause the general damage to society. Verbal, as well as physical abuses of spouse and child initiate dysfunctional family relationships and the general breakdown in family units. Another bad effect on society is caused by the increasing number of broken homes in which one spouse who overindulges in alcohol leaves his or her family, or deprived homes where the whole income is spent on alcoholic beverages. What is more, there is a general increase in younger generations’ alcohol binges as some children model themselves on irresponsible adults. It has also been proven that children whose mothers did not cut down on alcohol while being pregnant have problems with excessive drinking and this phenomenon is becoming more and more widespread in the contemporary society.
All in all, even though many people maintain that they know all the destructive effects of alcohol binges, the problem with alcoholism is becoming more and more serious: complaining about problems, worries, or just the opposite, celebrating any special occasions people lose the control over the amount of alcohol consumed and consequently, the control over their behaviour and consciousness. Too frequently drowning one’s sorrows or having too many occasions for celebrating lead to alcohol addiction, which results in unacceptable behaviour, body dysfunction and consequently also in social problems. Before reaching for another glass of wine people should think how much they risk.
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