Q&A: Does Cosuming Acohol Affects Me if I Have Hypoglycemia?

Question by Jadeh: Does cosuming acohol affects me if I have Hypoglycemia?
Im 18 years old and I have had Hypoglcemia since I was a child.
From some months ago until now, I’ve had problems when I have alcoholic drinks. Not always, but almost ever time I have just more than 2 or 3 drinks.
I get really dizzy and confused, to the point I lose complete track of everything.
A friend of mine even asked me if I was hypoglycemic, he told me about his sister, that she also had the same condition, and said he was worried, since I had the same symptoms when “drunk” that maybe I just wasn’t drunk, but having some effects from the conditions.

Last week, I had 4 12oz glasses of juice with a little bit of rum. but I still felt bad and lost track of everything. My bf took me to the hospital. I was given medicines by needle, and when my blood was checked my sugar was up to 300.

I want to know if this was caused by some alcohol intoxication, or it is being caused by my conditions, I;m going to be more cautious of what I consume, but I still don’t know what happened.
My bf also mentioned that I was coming and leaving from conciousness, that I would go unconcious and stop breathing and then react back again suddendly.

Best answer:

Answer by Terry O
Your sugar was excessive because alcohol is pure sugar. You need a diet modification to get your sugar swings under control.

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