Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal ? Dealing With

Symptoms Of Alcohol Withdrawal ? Dealing With

Withdrawal, in essence is a group of symptoms that happens upon the sudden discontinuation or decrease in intake of a substance (nicotine, caffeine, medications, recreational drugs or alcohol).  In order to experience symptoms of withdrawal, there must first be an established physical (or chemical) dependency to a substance.  Alcoholics who are in the process quitting are susceptible to experience alcohol withdrawal (AW).  Symptoms range from something so minor like insomnia and tremulousness to severe complications such as withdrawal seizures and delirium.  Withdrawal symptoms set in within 8 to 10 hours of their last drink.  This course of action is suggested to those dealing with outpatient treatments of mild alcohol withdrawal.

Fight the urge to drink:  Some alcoholics do not experience withdrawal symptoms after their last drink.  Symptoms set in when they abstain for a few days and resume drinking again.  Stay away from people, places or occasions that will put you in a situation that will require you to drink or will make it difficult for you to say no to a drink.

Stay naturally hydrated:  Drink a lot of water and fluids with electrolytes, such as Pedialyte or Gatorade.  It will keep the body hydrated and will replenish the essential fluids that have been lost in the consumption of alcohol.  Sometimes, electrolytes may need to be administered intra-veinously especially to those who are experiencing symptoms on a regular basis.

Monitor blood pressure:  Blood pressure may rise if one is going through alcohol withdrawal.  Should the blood pressure go higher than 115/75, one should get immediate medical attention.  Medications may be needed to cut keep the blood pressure as close to normal as possible.

Take multivitamins daily:  Taking multivitamins can minimize the irritating effects of withdrawal.  Since alcohol robs the body of necessary nutrients, multivitamins will take care of replacing it.

Treatments are meant to nurse immediate withdrawal symptoms and prevent complications.  It should be the start of a long-term therapy to support abstaining from alcohol.  Some treatments may involve placing the person in a medical facility for close monitoring while some mild to moderate cases of alcohol withdrawal can be done through out-patient methods.  Consult a doctor, a health professional or an alcoholic expert for more treatment options.

Learn more about causes of alcohol abuse at and let us help you find the best treatment for alcohol dependency.

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