Isn’t It Annoying How Some Diseases and Disorders Aren’t as Socially Acceptable?

Question by Meagan K [Old Account]: Isn’t it annoying how some diseases and disorders aren’t as socially acceptable?
If you have some sort of autoimmune disease like lupus or something, then “oh, poor thing, is there anything I can do to help?”.
But oh, if you’re an alcoholic it’s, “Jesus christ, why the hell did you get yourself into this mess? Sober up, you slob.”

One of my best friends is an alcoholic, and people treat her like it’s all her fault. No one treats people with other disorders like that. I know it is a result of her drinking, of course, but there are other factors, like the genetic factors (hereditary).

Same with depression. When I was diagnosed clinically depressed, people were like “Oh, Meagan, cheer up, we’ll get some ice cream.” I mean hell, I’m not SAD, it’s a chemical imbalance!! Or, “Meagan, just pull yourself together. Your not the only one with a tough life you know.” It’s like people think I have CHOSEN to have a serotonin deficiency !!!

Don’t you find that annoying??? Any thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Hannah
I’ll be honest. Up to this point, I hadn’t even considered that! But this question made me think, and you’re absolutely right! Its not fair!

One of my family members suffers with depression. And its horrible. We know it isn’t his fault. Its a horrible condition!

Most people want to comfort people with autoimmune diseases because they know that person may die soon, and they pity them. I think, maybe the reason people treat alcoholics and those who suffer from depression so carelessly is because for one, they don’t understand. Those are much more complex conditions. Second, they can be intimidating, or depressing to others. Like, I know, when my uncle was diagnosed with depression I was little. Too little to understand. And he wasn’t always the uncle that would goof off with me. you know? He was, depressed. He wouldn’t do much. Just sit, and sulk, didn’t laugh much, and I was kinda scared at first, just because he was almost a different person.

I understand why people do it, I just don’t think its fair. Sometimes, depression can be worse than lupus or HIV! I mean, having thoughts of suicide, maybe even attempting suicide! I find it annoying when people do that. Its unfortunate, but I see it everywhere. I hate that it is this way. Anytime someone has to go through ANY of the things listed above, I’ll comfort them, if they want it, or treat them completely normal. I would never dismiss depression as a choice, and tell someone to “suck it up!”

Really interesting question.

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