Alcoholism Disease: Progressive and Degenerative!
Alcoholism Disease: Progressive and Degenerative!
Alcoholism is recognized by professional medical organizations as a disease than is chronic, progressive and even fatal. The alcoholism disease is never accepted by alcoholics and they resist treatment for the same. Though public drinking is accepted in many cultures, the fatal consequences of excessive drinking cannot be ignored completely. Alcoholism is a disease that cannot be completely cured; it can only be arrested, temporarily. The cure for the disease depends on the resolve of the alcoholic and his ability to contain and control the addiction.
Alcoholism disease affects the entire family and not only the addict. The co-dependent family is disturbed and depressed with the chronic alcoholism of a member of the family. This disease has a lot of social repercussions to it. Throughout the world, alcoholism has become a major problem. Despite the fast-paced and technologically advanced world, nations are vulnerable to this problem. This disease results in many social and personal problems for the addict.
The consequences of the alcoholism disease are devastating. Sometimes, alcoholism can result in fatal consequences, since this disease affects all the vital organs like liver, heart, brain, etc. Excessive consumption of alcohol can trigger many kinds of cancers related to organs like liver, kidneys, etc and parts like esophagus, throat, colon, rectum, larynx, etc. The immune system in a human body becomes deteriorated, owing to prolonged use of excessive alcohol. Alcoholic mothers can damage their fetus, if they consume alcohol, during pregnancy and chronic drinking can result in cirrhosis of liver and serious brain damage.
Many people die of accidents that result from ‘drunken driving’ incidents, across the world, every year. Alcohol related brawls, accidents, fights are common in work places and venues of recreational activities or sports. Many reported suicides and homicides have been resultant of the mental instability, owing to alcoholism disease. Deteriorating health, child abuse, domestic violence, serious illness, broken homes, injuries and fatalities are caused by chronic alcoholism, all over the world.
Alcoholism disease is also hailed as alcohol addiction or alcohol dependence. The disease is considered to be a progressive, degenerative medical condition. The major symptoms of alcoholism can be loss of control on one’s self and physical dependence or withdrawal symptoms like anxiety, nausea, ‘shivering’ or sweating, if alcohol is not consumed. Other major symptoms include craving, need or compulsion to have a drink and tolerance to the amount of alcohol consumed, which results in increased consumption of the same, frequently.
Alcoholism disease involves four stages and these stages encompass the progressive degeneration of the condition of an alcoholic. The first stage of alcoholism is apparent, when an alcoholic indulges in drinking alone or privately rather than drinking socially. The alcoholic considers ‘drinking’ as an emotional escape from problems related to inhibitions, stress and tension. The tolerance is increased, slowly and the amount consumed is increased, gradually.
The second stage is obvious from the alcoholic’s intense and strong need to consume alcohol. Alcohol, no longer is an emotional escape but a bare necessity. The alcoholic begins to consume a drink, earlier, in the day and the tolerance level increases. Colleagues, superiors, family and friends witness many differences in the social behavior of the alcoholic, in this stage. The alcoholic is overwhelmed with the feeling of shame, guilt, denial and remorse. Blackouts, loss of control, physical weakness, hangovers, etc are major health related problems encountered by him or her.
PART 2 – For part two of this article, head on to Alcoholism Disease where you can also find shocking stories on the Alcoholism Disease.
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I explain my opinion that alcoholism is not a disease but a choice.