When the Guests Leave

When the guests leave

Often, after a fun party, when guests go out, be alone with the disorder and a sense of complete powerlessness. You think: “Are we going to direct this order?” Just do not panic, all fixed now!

Palace should be cleaned. Perhaps you have not the strength to move furniture to make and knock the big Palace. Use the salt. A little sprinkle her rug and broom, brush, periodically spolaskivaya it in soapy water.

Linoleum will look like new, if you wash it first with heated water with dishwashing detergent, since – clean water, dry with a dry cloth and carefully polished with a few drops of sunflower oil.

Of course, cigarette scorched the cloth no longer save. Ordinary same pollution is quite possible to remove. Tablecloth of matter, drenched with beer or white wine, vodka and easily cleaned with a sponge for washing dishes. With spots of red wine handle salt. Often, a good cleaning effect can be achieved rinse with warm water contamination, before it straightened tablecloth.

Warm water or milk to effectively deliver us from the fruit spots. If the pollution has already dried up, moisten it with a weak solution of citric acid and rinse well in hot water. Salt solution can be easily removed coffee stains. However, if the tea was spilled, it will be harder to cope. It will take a solution of glycerol and ammonia in the ratio 4 to 1.

Solidified droplets of wax, first remove the knife, after which progladte well-heated iron over the paper, changing the sheets, until the complete removal of contaminants.

Polished surfaces are very sensitive to hot pan. Many housewives know that from the hot cup at a furniture are white marks. If you encounter this problem, do not despair. From the bright circle can be removed, polished, their woolen cloth, periodically dipping it in a solution of alcohol and sunflower oil.

Perhaps all the dishes have been washed, but before you remove it note carefully whether the washed dishes. Even the smallest left grease stains before the next use will become difficult to remove brown plaque. So sorting out your tired, re my dish with soda. Then, in order to vessels gleamed, propolosnite her detergent. Better not to wipe the dishes, but simply to place it on a towel to dry.

Care of the dishes from crystal has its own peculiarities. Wash it should be in a little warm water. Enhance shine, it can be washed in water with a few drops of vinegar. If the bottom formed a raid to get rid of it, you can fill a crystal dishes for a few hours salted weak vinegar solution.

Vika C

Article from articlesbase.com

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