What Does This Sound Like to You?

Question by Fictional Irony: What does this sound like to you?
My “symptoms” are constant bloody noses and feelings of dehydration along with cravings for things I don’t usually like (such as chocolate or other sugary foods). I’m drinking a lot of water, just the right amount and maybe a little more if I feel that it might curb my thirst. Still, I’m always feeling parched and dehydrated and my nose keeps spurting blood.
When I plugged these symptoms into a search engine they told me that they were ‘common discomforts during pregnancy’ only I am not yet sexually active in ANY way so this doesn’t make sense to me.
Does this make sense to any one? What can you suggest or tell me, because I am sick of having to leave class constantly to get a drink of water or deal with a bloody nose. This has only been going on for 5 days or so, therefore I’m not TOO worried but I’m beginning to get a bit worried but I don’t want to go to hospital unless it’s absolutely necessary. Thank you for your input.

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