Eugenics and Criminal Racist Troglodytes
If you like classical music, here’s a new piece to try at home on your Cello. Otherwise, for anyone with half an ounce of intelligence, the video is self-explanatory. Skinheads and rightwing extremist ilk make me ashamed to be white. They blame jews for all their failures, when they need to start looking at their drug addictions and alcoholism, their kleptomania, their refusal to get higher education, their lying, stealing, cop killing and outright anti-social mental dementia. If this crap element in society didn’t have the jews on the forefront of pushing Socialism during the 1800’s and 1900’s… the degenerate neo-nazis of today would still be working under the “Capitalist Pigs” for 60 and 70 hour work weeks and forced to support their drug habit on peasant wages instead of a socialist welfare check rolling in to bankroll their addictions and alcoholism. They need to start looking at their lifestyle to figure out why they are failures instead of blaming jews and minorities. Had they lived before the Socialist revolution, they’d still been pedophiles, cop killers, drunks, drug addicts, losers and degenerates. They can blame their failures from their criminal degeneracy and drug addictions on themselves!!! Thank you.
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