Just How Safe Is Hypnosis

Just How Safe Is Hypnosis

Any treatment or approach dealing with the human brain, its functions, and the possibility of altering those functions, raises valid concerns about the safety of such practices. Hypnosis for instance raises a valid concern, is hypnosis safe? In most cases hypnosis is a safe and beneficial procedure that has helped many people to overcome issues that were previously impacting their quality of living.

Hypnosis has been used by people to overcome issues such as compulsive and addictive behaviors like alcohol, drugs, smoking, gambling and overeating. Hypnosis can help a person gain needed insight into why they behave the way they do. This insight into why one chooses to repeat certain behaviors that only lead them to negative results sets the stage for different behavioral choices. Hypnosis is a valuable tool that can help people to develop stronger skills needed to overcome serious and life threatening issues related to addiction and social phobias.

Is hypnosis always safe? There are many psychological conditions that hypnosis has been shown to be valuable in treating. However, the use of hypnosis for any psychological condition should always be performed by a licensed psychiatric professional. Experts do caution against the use of hypnosis in recovering memories of past sexual abuse because of the potential implementation of false memories. A hypnotist that is not a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist should not attempt to have a person focus on past traumatic events, as this can bring forth emotions that a person is not ready or able to deal with.

Those who perform hypnotism for entertainment purposes should also take care not to subject a person to undue humiliation. Hypnotistis should always inform participants of the suggestions you will be making to them while in a hypnotic state and offer them the option of not participating.

Entertainment is great. We should all find time for entertainment in our lives. Just be aware that if you are going to a show featuring a hypnotist, that it is meant for entertainment, not as a true representation of hypnosis.

Certified hypnosis professionals can safely offer hypnosis as a technique to change negative behaviors. Hypnosis certification is an intensive field of study requiring the investment of time, effort and dedication of those seeking to become qualified to offer hypnosis. Before receiving certification one has to study and demonstrate a full understanding of the origin, theories, practical uses, safety and responsibilities of hypnotizing a person.

Information about hypnosis has been around for some time, books, audio cassettes/CDs, magazine articles, television talk shows and even websites on the internet have provided an immeasurable amount of information and continue to do so. However there are a few problems with much of the information about hypnosis that is offered to the public.

One problem occurs when the information is presented using technical terms that the average person is not commonly familiar with. Other materials on hypnosis offered to the public are full of inaccuracies that create huge misconceptions and fears about the safety of hypnosis.

While other materials falsely claim to be inspired by the principles of hypnosis when in fact they are not. There is nothing wrong with materials that teach you how to relax and enjoy your life more, but these should not be confused with the formal techniques of hypnosis.

By all means you are encouraged to become knowledgeable about hypnosis if you are considering it for yourself. Just check to make sure that the resources you are relying upon to get your information are from credible sources.

If practiced by a licensed psychiatric professional, deep psychological conditions can be resolved. WHile lesser psychological issues such as a tendency towards negative thinking and bad habits like smoking, overeating, procrastination, and problems focusing, can all be helped by a certified hypnosis experts as well.

Scott White is an expert in NLP, a personal trainer and nutritionist,as well as the the owner of many different corporations, including Jet Charter Hypnosis Certification and Fitness Competition

Article from articlesbase.com

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