What Happens After a DUI in Erie, PA?

What Happens After a DUI in Erie, PA?

There’s nothing as shocking as being arrested for a DUI charge. In fact, it can be so overwhelming that you simply don’t know what to do or what to expect. At www.PA-DUI-Defender.com, we help clients in their defense against DUI charges. We know exactly what happens after a DUI in Erie, PA and will help you understand the process.

You were stopped for some sort of traffic violation. The police officer suspected that you may be Driving Under the Influence (DUI). The officer may have asked you to comply with field sobriety tests and/or further testing to determine your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC). If your BAC was 0.08% or higher you were charged with a DUI.

You may think that the most difficult part of the process was the arrest and being charged with a crime. Unfortunately, our DUI attorney in Erie, PA knows that there are a lot more difficulties in store for you. If you are convicted of a DUI you could face:

An automatic suspension of your driver’s license Possible jail sentence for up to a year Fines between 0 and 00 Increase in insurance rates Mandatory attendance in drug or alcohol counseling


It’s critical that you begin working with a qualified DUI attorney in Erie, PA. Our attorneys have extensive experience helping clients understand what happens after a DUI in Erie, PA and navigating the courts. A DUI charge is not simply a cut-and-dried process. There is a lot experienced DUI attorneys in Erie, PA can do to assist you in your defense, including:

Evaluate the traffic stop, the arrest process, and the case against you. Provide insight into the testing procedures and evaluate whether the tests were performed correctly and the machinery in working condition. Arrange for expert witnesses to work on your behalf. Use experience and relationships within the courts, prosecutor’s office and judges to work on your behalf.


Contact our DUI attorney in Erie, PA at www.PA-DUI-Defender.com to find out how we can help you defend yourself against these charges and work to get your life back on track.


Grant C. Travis is a member of the Erie County and PA Bar Associations. Attorney Travis is admitted to practice in all Pennsylvania Courts and the U.S District Court, western District of Pennsylvania. He is an experienced Pennsylvania DUI attorney who has defended 1,000’s of PA DUI Cases.www.pa-dui-defender.com The DUI Defense Group has offices in Erie, Edinboro and Warren, PA and focus on DUI defense in Erie County.

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