Repressed memory…Child Abuse?? I Need Some Advice!?
Question by clueless: Repressed memory…Child abuse?? I need some advice!?
A few years ago i started remembering things that happened when i was about 4-5yrs old. I remembered that i was sexually abused by one of my cousins. This really hit me hard and the more i thought about it the more i conviced myself it really did happen. This has completly changed my life around. Its become something i think about on a daily basis. Since then my life has been going downhill. Ive turned to alcohol and drugs to help me cope with the pain all of this has brought. I used to be religious but since then i have become angry with God for letting this happen to me. I feel incredibly lonely and sad. My “depression” is something i try very very hard to hide from my friends and family. I fake my smile and pretend im having a good time when in reality i feel like im dying inside. I want to tell someone about it but 1) i dont think theyll believe me and 2) if they do believe me, Im afraid of how they might react or how they might treat me afterwards. Im so ashamed of this…im scared they wouldn’t want to be my friends anymore or that they wont keep my secret. All im asking for is for a little advice here.
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