What Makes Pre-Foreclosure Investing Superior to All Other Techniques

What Makes Pre-Foreclosure Investing Superior To All Other Techniques

{How do you know what form of real estate investing is best suited for you~How do you know which real estate investing strategy is best for you~How do you know what approach to real estate investing is really best for you~How do you know what real estate investing approach is best suited for you}?{  Starting many years ago, we learned about the power of foreclosure investing~Many years ago, we learned about the power of foreclosure investing~Many years ago, we learned about the power of foreclosure investing~Several years ago, we learned just how powerful foreclosure investing could be}.{  If you had to try and explain foreclosure investing, you could throw a wide net over everything from a homeowner missing their first mortgage payment all the way to the foreclosure property selling at the courthouse steps~When attempting to explain foreclosure investing, you could cover a wide range of topics from a homeowner missing their first mortgage payment all the way to the house selling at the courthouse steps}.

{Then came along the idea of pre-foreclosure investing~Then came pre-foreclosure investing~Then someone came up with the idea of pre-foreclosure investing}.{  Pre-foreclosures really have everything to do with what happens from the time a notice of default is filled at the local courthouse and whether or not the house ever makes it to the courthouse steps~Pre-foreclosures begin with a notice of default being filed at the local courthouse and leads all the way up to the Sheriff sale or foreclosure auction~Pre-foreclosure begins when a notice of default is filed at the local courthouse and concludes when the house is auctioned off at the Sheriff sale}. 

{Reason #1 Sellers Have Compelling Reasons To Sell~Reason 1 – Sellers Have A Very Compelling Reason To Sell~Reason #1 – Sellers Almost Always Have To Sell The Property}

{I don’t know why people who get into this situation do the same thing every time, but they do~I don’t know why homeowners who fall into pre-foreclosure do the same thing every time, but they do~I don’t know why sellers who get into this situation end up doing the same thing virtually every time, they just do}.{  In virtually every case, when you see this situation develop, the homeowner is usually going to fail to make a mortgage payment and the property falls into foreclosure~When you see this situation develop, the homeowner will fail to make the mortgage payment and the property fails into foreclosure~In virtually every case when this situation develops, the property usually falls into pre-foreclosure}.

{Usually when someone falls behind on the mortgage payment, its very difficult for them to catch up and regain that former financial stability~When a homeowner falls behind on the mortgage payment, its very difficult for them to catch up~When a seller falls into pre-foreclosure, its very difficult for them to climb back out~When a homeowner fails to make the mortgage payment, it’s usually very difficult to catch up and regain that former financial stability}.

{The leading causes of pre-foreclosure are~The main causes leading up into pre-foreclosure are:~The leading factors that cause someone to fall into pre-foreclosure are:}
1. Divorce
2. {Loss of job~Job loss~Job termination}
3. {Prolonged illness~Extended or prolonged illness~Prolonged sickness or disease}
4. {Job transfer~Employment transfer~Job or position transfer}
5. {Drug/alcohol abuse~Drug and/or alcohol abuse~Drug and/or alcohol dependency~Drug and/or alcohol addiction}

{Sellers who find themselves in pre-foreclosure have to sell the house in order to avoid having the house auctioned off by the Sheriff~Homeowners who find themselves in pre-foreclosure almost always have to sell in order to avoid having the house sold off at auction~Sellers who find themselves in pre-foreclosure almost always have to sell the house in order to avoid the foreclosure auction~Sellers in pre-foreclosure must sell the house in order to avoid having the Sheriff sell the house at the auction}.  Experienced pre-foreclosure investors know that when they help sellers first, they are then rewarded with these steeply discounted investment properties.

{Reason #2 Less Competition For The Serious Real Esate Investor~Reason #2 Less Competition~Reason #2 – Less Competition For The Experienced Real Estate Investor~Reason #2 – Less Competition For The Experienced Pre-Foreclosure Investor}

{Many who consider themselves real estate investors are not trained properly when it comes to searching out and identifying the most profitable investment properties~Many real estate investors don’t know how to evaluate a market and find the most profitable investment properties~The majority of real estate investors do not know how to properly search out and find the most profitable investment properties in a given market~Many who consider themselves pre-foreclosure investors don’t know a good deal when it’s staring them right in the face}.{ These real estate investors typically thumb through classified ads each week and attempt to buy investment property at retail prices~These so called real estate investors search through the classified ads each week and focus on buying investment property at retail prices~These investors focus exclusively on classified ads and buy investment property at retail prices~These real estate investors focus almost exclusively on classified ads and attempt to purchase investment properties at retail prices}.{  Some of these investors may work with a real estate agent and attempt to find invesment property – but these are still listed properites with retail prices~Some investors work with real estate agents and attempt to buy investment property – but these are listed properties with high retail prices~Some of these real estate investors hire real estate agents and attempt to locate investment property – but these properties come with high, retail prices}.

{You can never really get ahead in the real estate investing business if you’re paying retail for investment property~You cannot build lasting wealth through real estate investing if you’re paying too much for investment property~You won’t make it in the real estate investing business if you don’t know how to buy investment property right~You won’t make it in the real estate investing business if you don’t know how to buy investment property~You’ll never make it as a pre-foreclosure investor if you’re paying too much for investment property}.{  You must learn to pay wholesale or even lower – and this is possible~You must learn how to buy investment property at wholesale prices~As an experienced pre-foreclosure investors, you must learn how to buy investment properties at wholesale prices~You must learn to buy at wholesale or even lower}.

{Serious pre-foreclosure investors do not pay retail for investment property and do not work regulary with real estate agents~Experienced pre-foreclosure investors don’t pay “retail prices” for investment property and they normally don’t work with real estate agents~Serious pre-foreclosure investors do not pay too much for investment property and normally do not work well with real estate agents~Experienced pre-foreclosure investors don’t work with real estate agents and certainly don’t pay retail prices for investment property}.{  These investors know how to search out and find the best real estate investing deals on the market~These investors are well trained in locating the best real estate deals in town~These investors know how to sniff out and locate the hottest real estate deals in the market}.{  Pre-foreclosure investors don’t wait for sellers to come to them – they go out and meet these sellers~Pre-foreclosure investors don’t wait for the action to come to them – they go out and find the action~Pre-foreclosure investors don’t wait around for something to happen – they go out and meet these sellers~Pre-foreclosure investors don’t wait around – they take action and meet with these sellers}. 

{Now some pre-foreclosure investors mail out postcards and letters and some even make phone calls to homeowners who are in pre-foreclosure~Some pre-foreclosure investors take the time to mail out post cards and make a few phone calls to sellers in pre-foreclosure~Now some pre-foreclosure investors mail out post cards and make phone calls in attempts to contact sellers in pre-foreclosure}.{  But I have found that the most effective way to target pre-foreclosures is by traveling out to each property and physically knocking on the door and discussing the situation with the homeowner~But I have found that the most effective approach to pre-foreclosure investing is to travel out to each property and meet with the seller~But I have found that the best way to buy pre-foreclosures is to travel out to these houses and meet with the sellers~I have found the most effective approach to pre-foreclosure investing is to physically travel out to each house and meet with the homeowner}. 

{What’s great about this approach is that it offers the higest return on investment with the least compeition~This approach offers the highest investment return with the least amount of competition~This approach to real estate investing offers the highest return on investment with the least competition~This approach offers the highest return on your investment dollar with the least amount of competition~This approach to real estate investing offers the highest return on your investment along with the least amount of competiton}.{  Pretty good combination if you’re trying to build long term wealth~Very good combination if you’re interested in building long term wealth~Very good combination if your trying to build generational wealth~Pretty good combination if you asked me}.


Shaun Steckler became financially independent by investing in houses and small apartment buildings in south Louisiana. Shaun now controls an investment portfolio that generates a five figure a month income for him today. You can learn more about Shaun’s real estate investing strategies and business models at http://RealEstate-Entrepreneur.com

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