Can Someone Explain to Me the Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? (In “lay” Terms, Please!)

Question by MissJones: Can someone explain to me the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes? (In “lay” terms, please!)
I think I’ve been exhibiting some of symptoms of diabetes (examples: extreme thirst, frequent urination, headaches, etc.) and when I mentioned it to a friend (who is obv. not a doctor) she didn’t seem to think I had diabetes. She has a friend who does and he exhibits the classic symptoms everyone thinks of associated with diabetes: typically a “drunk”, woozy and lethargic feeling when the blood sugar is low. Now, I do NOT have symptoms like THAT, however after doing research there are those that I do have — actually what seems like quite a large majority.

Are there any doctors out there who might be able to answer my question? I hate going to the doctor’s with a list of symptoms, ready to produce my own diagnosis.

And I am not a hypocondriac. My mother, who hated going to the doctors, died of a sudden stroke while she had no known health problems. I think she may have been diabetic because a stroke is a complication, and she also had glaucoma and possibly high bloodpressure.

Best answer:

Answer by streamthree
Type 1 – You’re by yourself.
Type 2 – Other people have it also

That’s as easy as I can explain it. Easy to remember also.

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