Depression Symptoms – Finding Out About Some Alternatives Available to-Day

Depression Symptoms – Finding Out About Some Alternatives Available To-Day

Depression may possibly haunt each of us at some time in our lives. It could be the result of a trauma, a bereavement or some other traumatic event that will send us into a depression as well as the classic depression symptoms- signs of a reduction of interest and incapacity to appreciate life. The excellent news is the fact that most of us can overcome these acute depression symptoms and be well again.. But numerous individuals suffer from chronic depressive disorders for several years and need to be treated with depressive disorders meds that will result in some nasty unwanted side effects.

Let us have a look at some figures to see how typical this situation is and how it can coexist with numerous other conditions thereby complicating the diagnosis. A study carried out by the University of Hong Kong about the mental health of drug users discovered that about 62% were struggling with depression symptoms.. Depressive disorders is also a typical problem among veterans returning from war. About 20% of returning war veterans from Iran and Afghanistan are struggling with either PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) or major depressive disorders. The most shocking figure here is the fact that over 50% of these servicemen and women who are experiencing these conditions have not sought treatment.

The primary signs and symptoms of depression are a definite lowering of energy levels which leads to lethargy and reduction of interest in all the activities one usually does. This could be combined with low esteem, anxiety and increased difficulty on making choices and achieving objectives.. Insomnia, headaches and suicidal thoughts can also be depression signs and symptoms.

Anti depressant medicines are mostly based on the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and nobody knows precisely how they work! What we do know is the fact that they can trigger reduction of libido and weight gain which could be a disastrous combination in a relationship and wipe out any positive results from the drugs.We seem to be replacing a single set of primary signs and symptoms of depression with  additional ones that will only boost our anxiety and pessimism.

Simply because of the unwanted side effects of anti depressants for example Prozac and Tofranil, numerous patients with depression symptoms are seeking alternative treatments for example an organic one which contains herbal ingredients for example St. John’sWort and Passion Flower extract (frequently known as Nature’s Prozac!) As you will find no unwanted side effects and also the overall mood improves , these organic medicines are becoming much more respected and accepted by both patients and doctors.

Isn’t it time you took depression symptoms in hand and sought a really efefctive and natural solution?

Want to learn more about depression symptoms ? Trista J. Mansfiled has written on mental health problems and natural cures for many years.

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