‘One More Thing to Throw at Addiction’ — video.NEWSWEEK.com

6/25/09: A non-profit in Boulder, CO offers an alternative treatment for recovering alcoholics: extreme sports. (Video: Sarah Frank, Tom McDonald)
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1974 and Hoboken New Jersey was once a town buzzing with a group of young men calling themselves the ‘Alchies’ and who wore red 1970’s jackets. They were said to be recovering alcoholics, and wore their affliction literally on their shirts! Visit Hoboken411.Com to find out more about Hoboken New Jersey and the Alchies.RADIOIRISH.COM broadcasts 24 hours a day 7 days a week from state-of-the-art recording facilities in Manhattan. Veteran Irish Radio Presenters BOB GALLICO and SEAN McCARTHY together host a heady mix of music, news, and comment. It’s the talk of the city! RADIOIRISH.COM
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