“Post-Twilight Depression”?

Question by Paula Hill: “post-twilight depression”?
This post-twilight depression that people have been talking about seem to be affecting me as well… I read the books, and now feel as though I can never attain the happiness or love that exists in the book. I feel really immature asking a question such as this, but I truly have no idea what to do. I want a relationship with someone that is so real, or for that matter, I just want to have passion for something as strongly as expressed in the book. I have searched depression, and I seem to have most of the symptoms… I am always tired, yet can never seem to fall asleep. I have a loss of appetite. I cry all the time, even when nothing is sad. I have had a couple thoughts of suicide…I know books are fiction, but I cannot seem to get past the feelings they are causing.

Best answer:

Answer by Bower Bird
1. Start exercising. It helps with depression.
2. Read another series, i.e. Sookie Stackhouse, House of Night series. Vampire Academy series.
3. Do both. and have hope for the Midnight Summer book to come out soon

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!