Everything`s Under Control
Ethanol is the intoxicating ingredient in alcohol. Ethanols primary effect is suppression of your central nervous system. Your central nervous system consists of your brain and spinal cord. Basically, they are your control and communication centers, maintaining homeostasis by detecting, interpreting and responding to any condition changes. Nervous system suppression by way of moderate alcohol consumption has a pleasing affect because it reduces anxiety and inhibition. However, it can be poisonous when guzzled in large amounts over a short period, aka binge drinking. Binge drinking is the prevailing cause of alcohol poisoning. Too much alcohol too quickly has an arresting affect on your breathing, heart rate and gag reflex. Unhealthy signs and symptoms of alcohol poison are: * stupor * seizures * vomiting * confusion * hypothermia * cant be roused * unconsciousness * cyanosis, paleness * slow, irregular breathing Any combination of these signs and symptoms puts you in grave risk of dying from the poison of alcohol. Have no doubt, it is a medical emergency! If you suspect alcohol poisoning in another, dont hesitate to treat it as an emergency. And its not funny. Never leave an individual who has any signs of alcohol poisoning alone. Until help arrives, attempt to keep them sitting up and awake. Lying down can result in choking on their own vomit. If being prone is an unchangeable state, then keep their head turned to the side.