Would You Consider Yourself a LEADER or FOLLOWER?

Question by kiss me im german: Would you consider yourself a LEADER or FOLLOWER?
For example, many adults smoke & drink right now & most of them claim that they started doing it because of peer pressure when they were younger. OR they started having sex because of “pressure”

I am 23 yrs old..never smoked a cigarettte in my life, never did drugs, never had sexual relations, never abused alcohol. I can be sitting at a table with 50 people drinking & I WONT be ashamed to order a non-alcoholic drink. (which I do all the time)

I’m not bragging or patting myself on the back or anything…however, I can’t seem to understand how an individual can let “other people” control their lives & “convince” or “force” them to cower & do things they don’t want to freakin do?!

I mean isn’t it YOUR life…peer pressure doesn’t exsist in my life because nobody is going to make me feel BAD for doing what I feel is right & not conforming to their beliefs or actions.

That’s just me, how do you feel about this…do you fall in the LEADER or FOLLOWER category?

Be Honest. It’s Cool

Best answer:

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