Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy

Doctors and medical insurance companies are fully aware that the developmenty of the cerebral palsy is caused by a lot of different facotrs. This condition requires a long-term, specialized care. Parents of children who have this ailment know that this amounts to very high monthly medical costs even if you have an affordable health care premium.

Based on medical physicians’ study, health insurance carreirs came up with this list of the primary causes of children born with cerebral palsy:
1. Birth injuries and maternal infections
2. Brain damage and brain injury
3. Drug abuse and alcohol abuse
4. Neonatal infections and premature births

The average medical expense for your illness is dependent on the severity of the condition. It can range from mild to severe. Statistics show that twenty percent of all childre born will be diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
The initial cause is some type of brain damage that can be caused from a bacterial meningitis, viral encephalitis, jaundice, or a fall by the mother before a child is born. But health insurance companies know that many times it is caused by a damage directly to the brain.

Medical physicians constantly monitors the mother prior to delivery however it is still very difficult for them to determine all its causes. However, once the child is born and is diagnosed with a form of cerebral palsy, the search for the most affordable possible begins.

Often times, parents contact the nearest cerebral palsy organization to help them in their quest to finding the cheapest health insurance for their child. They will really help you find the best health care options for you that will also provide you with everything you need in the future.
You should also watch out for fevers. They cause you to have fever and will demand immediate medical attention for the sake of the baby in your womb. Maternal infections can appear from a number of sources, with the most predominant being from:
1. Bacterial vaginosis which is unusual drainage
2. Sepsis, which is an infection within the bloodstream caused by bacteria
3. Inflammation of the umbilical cord
4. Chorioamnionitis, which is an infection of the uterus

New York health insurer

Article from articlesbase.com

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