Eating Dissorder, Recovery or Relapse ?

Question by Luna: Eating Dissorder, recovery or relapse ?
I’ve had an eating disorder for about 4 years. Well I say I was born with it to be honest.

2007 is when it all came out, I lost allot of weight and weighed just 5 stone 10 and mum forced me to get better – I didn’t get better I got fat and was still depressed.
since the “recovery” I have been bulimic. I know I have. but now , now I am tiered of it. I still go to see a councilor every two weeks but my life is so mucked up that I don’t tell them i make myself sick.

My mother is an alcoholic so I don’t live at home and right now she is making my life unbearable. She hates me, she’s told me on several occasions.
So, right now I am relapsing in my anorexia, exercising every moment of each day. my boyfriend is making it hard for me to lose weight simply because i don’t want him to know, he’s such a happy soul it would ruin him.

Ok, so. Do I now let anorexia get the better of me, continue vomiting and be happy and skinny again .. ?
Do I tell my doctor That I need to go somewhere and get help (I’m scared that if I did go somewhere I’d lose my place that I’ve got at drama college and lose more weight because everyone in this recovery place would be skinny-er than me .. I’m fat at the moment. just under 8 stone and 5 foot tall. )

or, do i tell my councilor . . . ? who seems to help with nothing.

help me, please. i don;t talk to any one in my life and i need a helping hand right now.

Best answer:

Answer by Quicksand
you just need to organize your way of eating food and the timing that by eating your 3 main meals normally and with the right quality and quantity and in between the meals eat light snacks like slices of carrots and cucumber that will make you feel full most of the time and you will end up eating less in the main meals that will burn your reserve fat around your waist and belly and your body will firmed and toned in a few days even if you didn’t workout best of luck and enjoy your life

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