Effects of Using Vivitrol on Alcoholism

Effects Of Using Vivitrol On Alcoholism

Unless a person suspects himself/herself to be an alcoholic – case in which a visit to the doctor is absolutely necessary – any day may serve as a start to giving up alcohol. The specialists are qualified to give treatment that provides assistance in the battle against alcoholism. There are persons that managed to say no to alcohol on their own, but for others, support from a group or medical staff is required. There is a series of medicines, which help a person to maintain sobriety.

The injectable version of Naltrexone proved itself very effective until now. But in order to be administered this kind of medication, a patient needs to be alcohol absent for at least a week. It takes also a professional to inject Vivitrol into the patient’s buttocks.

The effect is similarly to that of pills: diminishes the necessity to drink, through a blockage of the neurotransmitters considered partially responsible for addiction. Another advantage is that Vivitrol doesn’t interfere with withdrawal signs. A six-month study fully proved its efficiency compared to consulting therapy alone.

Vivitrol gives no addiction, say long-term studies, taken on 630 people that used it between 6 months and one year. But it has also side effects on some patients, such as headache, vomiting, dizziness, tiredness or nausea and, seldom depression and suicide attempts.

The combination to opioids is strictly forbidden.

It is important to be aware of the fact that it has a chronic and progressive character and it needs immediate treatment, because it can cause death. Associated to consulting therapy, Vivitrol can be extremely effective.

During the administration of Vivitrol, any secondary effect changes in the area where it was injected or the above mentioned side effects must be communicated to the doctor, to obtain assistance.

Alcohol abuse can cause your body to become low in certain vitamins and minerals, especially thiamine (vitamin B1). You might need to take thiamine supplements to improve your nutrition during recovery. You also might need supplements to help replace fluids and electrolytes.

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