Would an Alcoholic Be Covered Under the ADA Act?

Question by claudr_30: Would an alcoholic be covered under the ADA act?
My partner is 39 and has been drinking since 15 y.o. now that she tried to quit drinking her body shakes and has palpitations and has had to go to the hospital on many cases. A psychiatrist has prescribed medication for the anxieties and has attended AA classes but never the less cannot refrain from drinking because her body now needs it to function. She has been known as a “Functional alcoholic”. Now her job of 6 years gave her a drug test and said her alcohol levels were high which would be true because she drank the night before (which was her day off) and had asked her to leave and provide medical cause. So I know Americans with disabilities act covers a disability without limitations, so I’m asking someone that works in Human Resources or would know; would that qualify her under ADA?
Thank you Steve, My partner just got word from her job that they have decided to terminate employment after 6 years. So what can we do next since she is covered under ADA. and has not done any thing wrong at work, just her alcohol levels were high from the day before.

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