Genital Warts Signs and Symptoms – How Will You Know if You’re Infected?

Genital Warts Signs and Symptoms – How Will You Know If You’re Infected?

What are dealing with here?

Genital warts are simply small bumps that appear on your skin around the genital area when you get infected with the virus that causes them. They are usually painless but itchy, and may be small or big, one or in a cluster. They can begin so small it is not possible to see them with the naked eye but then can grow with time to have the shape of a cauliflower head. They come in different colors ranging from white, pink, yellow or light brown.

What are the causes?

The main causative factor is the human papilloma virus that almost always affects young adults of ages 17 to 33 because of their increased sexual activity. The other factors that greatly enhance the chances of getting the disease are smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, use of oral contraceptives, having many sexual partners and beginning sexual intercourse at an early age. They warts are passed on during skin to skin contact with an infected person most often during sex.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms for genital warts infection may vary but them main ones are the ones listed below:

Small sized bumps that appear in the genital area after engaging in unsafe sex with an infected partner. Some little irritation in the genital area A burning sensation and some itching around your genitals and anus.


There are many folks who will get the infection and will take many months if not years before they manifest the symptoms. The best way to get a diagnosis is to seek professional medical advice where the doctor will conduct tests to be sure whether or not you are infected. Women are advised to go for a Pap smear to check for the presence of the HPV virus.

Is there treatment?

We could say that treatment for genital warts is available although it is one difficult cause of treatment. The reason is that the warts are simply a symptom of an underlying problem of am infection with a virus. The cure for the virus is not known in the medical field. Treatment much of the time will deal with healing and sometimes the physical removal of the warts.


There are both medical and surgical procedures that can be used in each case according to the advise of your doctor; this depends on the severity if your condition. The physical warts can actually be removed, although there are possibilities of recurrence because the underlying virus is still in the body. For some people the virus stays for life so prevention is the best way to be safe.

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