Why Do So Many People Here Think Their Hangovers Are “Alcohol Poisoning”?

Question by C.G.: Why do so many people here think their hangovers are “alcohol poisoning”?
I’ve seen multiple questions today of people typing out long questions claiming they must have alcohol poisoning. All their symptoms are just classic hangover symptoms. Why don’t people realize if they have alcohol poisoning if they’re not unconscious they will be close to it and they will be in the hospital getting their stomach pumped? There is HUGE difference…
I read one today that was like “Should I go to the hospital and get my stomach pumped? I threw up a few times”

*Rolls eyes*

Best answer:

Answer by Ms. Informed
we can’t all be ER doctors on Yahoo Answers….
we can’t all have common sense on Yahoo Answers…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!