Q&A: Why Are the Republicans So Good at Turning “Family Values” Back Around on Democratic Candidates?

Question by MRF: Why are the Republicans so good at turning “family values” back around on Democratic candidates?
For example:

Republicans turned Kerry’s purple heart back around on him, while lauding Bush for being AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard.

They turned Obama’s public admission of cocaine back around on him, while lauding Bush for “protecting the children” by concealing his drug and alcohol abuse.

They turned Hilllary’s commitment to her marriage back around on her, while lauding John McCain for leaving his first wife.
(((Cindy W))): You forgot First Lady Larua Bush killing one of her old boyfriends when she ran a stop sign.

Best answer:

Answer by chameleon bark
Add Michelle’s first-time love affair for America in her adult life.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!