Q&A: Should I Seek Alcohol Treatment?

Question by JFlandizzy: Should I seek alcohol treatment?
I am a 23 year old male weighing 200lbs. On average I drink about 6 American light beers every night (usually Coors Light). Typically when I go out with friends to bars, I will consume spirits and mixed drinks. This often results in loss of memory of the night before or complete blackout. I always try and get someone else to drive if I’ve been drinking or know that I will be drinking. I have rarely (1 or 2 times) ever called in “sick” to work as a result of drinking. I have been described as being a “Functional Alcoholic” by friends. I’ve recently had a physical done as well as blood work by my doctor who of course told me to cut back on my drinking but informed me that I seem to be healthy. Any thoughts or opinions you may have are greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by colorado
You already know you have an alcohol problem. It does not matter that your doctor said that you are healthy. You are an alcoholic because you drink that much every night and experience blackouts.

You have a twenty three year old liver that is processing all that alcohol pretty well now. That will not last very well for very long.

Go back to your doctor and tell him you want to quit drinking and ask for help.

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