Alcohol Abuse Facts
Alcohol abuse facts
Alcohol abuse can be defined as the pattern of alcohol drinking, which results to one or more of these circumstances within a 12-month time frame:
• Drinking in circumstances that result in bodily injuries (e.g. operating machinery)
• Continued drinking despite constant relationship problems which originally resulted from drinking
• Failure in attending to vital duties at home, office/work, or school
• Experiencing chronic alcohol-related legal complications. Good examples are – getting detained for causing damages to somebody’s property, getting a DUI, or being sued for physically injuring someone whilst drunk.
According to experts, you have to take an intelligent approach in dealing with alcohol abuse and its symptoms. Whenever any person experiences complications in any or several of the issues mentioned above, this should be taken as signs of alcohol abuse. To be precise, the sign of any or several of such issues are to be taken as the red flag of someone’s engagement in abusive drinking.
CASA, the research wing at Columbia University runs researches on addiction and substance abuse. In 2005, its research findings included the following:
• American youth who get tied with drinking before turning 15 are 4 times more prone to the risk of turning alcoholics, compared to teenagers not drinking before turning 21. This points out clearly, how alcohol abuse and uptake of alcohol go hand in hand – even when it comes to teenagers.
• Every single day in America, over 13,000 children or teens experience the first drink of their lives. That means, too many of such teens/children are prone to getting tied to alcohol abuse.
• Every single year, around 1,400 college students (who are between 18 and 24 years of age) die from accidents or injuries that are related to alcohol uptakes. This includes motor car accidents. How grim alcohol abuse is for young people is clear from these traffic fatalities.
These alcohol abuse facts are enough to understand the harsh realities that no one can deny.
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