Reasons to Give Up Alcohol

Reasons to give up Alcohol

In today’s society consuming alcohol in a casual manner is not considered a vice. The problem starts when this casual consumption of alcohol gives way to alcohol abuse. This alcohol abuse can become a serious problem; hence it is very necessary for you to give up alcohol at the right time.

There are many people who would not take the thing mentioned above seriously. For such people here is a list of reasons for them to give up alcohol.

Alcohol affects different people in different ways. The whole effect mostly depends upon the type of body and the metabolism a person has. The consumption of alcohol can result in an impairing of judgment and a decrease in inhibitions. Also the regular consumption can cause a lack of coordination in muscles. It can also affect a person’s memory.

In most of the cases alcohol consumption can cause things like poor respiration, low fall in blood pressure.

Some people may die or go into coma due to alcohol poisoning.

One of the main reasons to give up alcohol is the hangover that occurs due to the heavy drinking done over a short period of time. This hangover is often accompanied by nausea, headache, shakiness, and even vomiting. It is a sign that the body is rejecting the alcohol, so there is no point feeding it with alcohol.

People who are on prescription drugs can experience much more dangerous and stronger effects. Such people should avoid alcohol as much as possible.

The regular consumption of alcohol leads to the person getting psychologically dependent on it. This begins as a craving and soon becomes a habit which gives way to addiction. It is one of the main reasons to give up alcohol.

Alcohol abuse can affect a person’s life in a really negative way. It can give way to violence and can even affect his or her personal relationships. Regular alcohol consumption has affected the studies of a lot of people and has even lead to unemployment as they were fired from their jobs due to alcoholic behavior.

One of the primary reasons to give up alcohol should be the addiction that follows the casual consumption. The addiction soon gives way to long term alcohol abuse which in turn causes various health issues. There are many people who have suffered liver damage as well as an increased risk of developing a heart disease.

If a pregnant woman indulges in frequent alcohol abuse she may develop a fetal alcohol syndrome. It can cause the new born baby to have severe facial deformities. In some cases the child can also suffer from growth retardation and brain damage. These problems may lead to behavioral problems and intellectual difficulties.

The above mentioned things are a common phenomenon in people who indulge in the consumption of alcohol. These things should be reason enough for a sane person to give up alcohol and start leading a sober life.

To stop drinking or knowing more about alcohol effects, please visit review locator.

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