Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label 750ml
Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label 750ml Top Offers
Veuve Cliquot Yellow Label is a perfect example of harmony between delicacy and power. Dominated by Pinot Noir, this wine has a firm structure, rounded with a touch of Pinot Meunier. Nearly a third of Chardonnay gives it the elegance and finesse needed… – .97 Flat Rate Shipping![]() |
$ 37.97 + $ 14.97 shipping | – .97 Flat Rate Shipping![]() |
$ 37.99 + $ 14.97 shipping |
Grand Wine Cellar![]() |
$ 37.99 + $ 0.00 shipping |
The Wine Buyer @Bottle King![]() |
$ 39.99 + $ 0.00 shipping |