With These “symptoms” Can You Say What It Is? Probably Just Leftovers From an Anxiety Attack…?

Question by Qwerty: With these “symptoms” can you say what it is? probably just leftovers from an anxiety attack…?
Yesturday on a plane i had a little anxiety attack… yannow freaking out antsy tight chest and nausea. the next flight i was fine but my chest got a little tight. when i got home randomly my back hurt a lot when i tried to breathe. this lasted for a while. a few numb spots on small random parts of my body as well. that went away when i fell asleep. i soon woke up and found that it hurt intensely to breathe in my chest and upper back and neck. now there is a little pain left and it hurts to swallow. a little tightness when i breathe too. is it possibly dehydration? oh and on and off my chest felt weird like there was a lil pressure

Best answer:

Answer by aries303
I’d advise you to get a blood test called CBC or FBC and check your platelet count. If it is below normal than you might have acquired some viral infection and consult your GP for further management.

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