Single Mom Struggles for Economic Self-Sufficiency
Overcoming Alcohol Abuse in the News
Single mom struggles for economic self-sufficiency
Filed under: overcoming alcohol abuse
As thousands of women in Rochester strive to find financial freedom and remove themselves from being a member of the devastating statistics, some feel if they remain in the city, their circumstances will be much harder to overcome. Melissa Parrish …
Can one mom's devotion to her kids overcome lifelong FASD struggles?
Filed under: overcoming alcohol abuse
I am the adoptive single mother of 6 children, all of whom struggle with the birth defect of prenatal alcohol exposure and several with substance abuse, along with many mental health issues. They are now from 18 to 28, all currently living at home, and …
This Spoken Word Poem Powerfully Expresses The Pain Of Growing Up Around …
Filed under: overcoming alcohol abuse
Employing a poetic device that counts down the years and progresses in reverse, the poem contains lines such as, "15: I've come up with the theory that my father's started drinking again because maybe he found out I'm gay. Like if he can make …
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