Alcoholism Research: Alcoholism Drug Suppresses Mesothelioma Tumors in Mice

Alcoholism Research in the News

Alcoholism Drug Suppresses Mesothelioma Tumors in Mice
Filed under: alcoholism research

In the new mesothelioma study, a team led by cancer researchers at Detroit's Wayne State University School of Medicine administered copper complexed disulfiram (DSF-Cu) to mice with human mesothelioma, as well as to human mesothelioma cells in the …


Alcohol and hazing: A deadly mix
Filed under: alcoholism research

Alcoholism treatment has emerged from the dark ages, but the success rates of the various methods are open to question. That's because alcoholism research is often a foggy field filled with unreliable subjects (active drunks) and the inability of the …


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Visit: – Alcohol Addiction Research — Rehabilitation treatment Handling all types of addictions, Is alcohol, drug use or o…


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