Two World Premieres at REEL Recovery Film Festival on April 26, 2014: Sober

Alcoholism Drugs in the News

Two World Premieres at REEL Recovery Film Festival on April 26, 2014: Sober
Filed under: alcoholism drugs

Lisa S, 41, from an alcoholic family served time for selling drugs. Lisa R, 38, relapsed and is determined to make it for her two daughters. Leslie, 31, charged with online prostitution and drug use strives to regain custody of her daughter. Julia, 27 …


Are You Certain That Your Lawyer Is Not Impaired?
Filed under: alcoholism drugs

It is estimated that 18 to 20 percent of the nation's lawyers abuse alcohol or drugs. By comparison, among the general population, including persons in other highly stressful professions such as physicians and pilots, the estimated rate of chemical …


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