American Women in History (In Two parts…LJ Says It’s Too Large, Much Like the Legacy of the Lady)

American women in history (in two parts…LJ says it’s too large, much like the legacy of the lady)
Filed under: Alcoholism

Today I’ll look at a US First Lady who made a mark all on her own I could add several others who did more than play hostess but have narrowed it to 5. I’ll address the others in another post tomorrow. Eleanor Roosevelt Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American politician. She was the longest-serving Fi


Sex Variants, Part IV
Filed under: Alcoholism

This is our fourth and final episode of our Let Me Ascertain You: Sex Variants 1941, taking inspiration from a study conducted in the 1930’s by Dr. George Henry in which he interviewed a couple hundred individuals and cataloged data such as a complete family history with symbols to indicate who had


next time negativity knocks, kick its ass
Filed under: Alcoholism

I am trying to be two things-calm and kind. This is because there is really nothing else to be in my opinion and that is my life lesson. So I have been working hard at these things since I enrolled in my spiritual class. Its about growth and healing after all. Well hell came knocking on our door las


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