“Two of Our Own” – Pancreatic Cancer

“Two of Our Own” – Pancreatic Cancer

Two of our own (from a company I work for) have been hit with pancreatic cancer. We can only hope for the best.


Constipation Causes: 13 Surprising Reasons Why You Can't Poop
Filed under: symptoms of anus cancer

"Constipation that's new, different, associated with bleeding or weight loss, and lasts a couple of days may be a sign of colon cancer," says gastroenterologist Benjamin Krevsky, MD, associate chief of the section of gastroenterology at Temple …


NBC: Herpes Can Invade the Brain and Cause Encephalitis; polyDNA
Filed under: symptoms of anus cancer

When the herpes virus attacks the brain, symptoms can include “a prodrome (an early symptom indicating the onset of a disease or illness) of malaise, fever, headache, and nausea, followed by acute or subacute onset of an encephalopathy whose symptoms …


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