Alcohol Abuse Self Help: Should I Cut My Arms….?

Question by Bernard Chriss: Should I cut my arms….?
So I am already a “Cutter” for lack of a better term, but a few weeks ago I was caught by my Mother. It’s nothing new, I’ve been caught before, but she swears that I do it for attention. I don’t usually cut on my arms because it’s easily spotted, but I prefer the feeling of using my arms as opposed to the feeling of say, my legs. But she just ticks me off, the things she says about it…

“I know you just do it for attention…”
“You better not ever do that again…”
“You’ll lose all your privileges, no computer, no video games, no friends…”
“No privacy, I’ll take the door off it’s hinges, you’ll have to get rid of your kitten…”
“I’ll make your life miserable… give you something to complain about…”

So I’m thinking about telling her to STFU and cutting my arms to ribbons while washing down a dew dozen pills with a beer.
Or I could just keep hacking up my legs until I’m out of the house and then tear my arms to pieces. I’m not quite sure yet.

PS: I do NOT cut for attention, the thought of cutting consumes every thought I have. I can’t go 15 minutes without thinking about it. So no, it’s NOT just for attention.
I have considered suicide, I know how I’d do it if one day I decided to. The only reason I don’t is because of my dad, I couldn’t do that to him.
As for being caught before, when I fist started cutting I only used my wrists, this was before I even knew there was a name for what I did. And the most resent time, I usually stick to the tops of my legs (and I never wear shorts) so no one sees those, but I kindda had a break down the other day and cut my wrist, my sleeve rode up, yeah.

Best answer:

Answer by jasmine
so i think you need to get some professional help as you say it consumes your thoughts. you didn’t mention suicidal thoughts at all, but this can easily progress to that. i think your mother is just worried about you and doesn’t understand that this is a common problem with teenagers ( i have had many friends seek help) my friends were in the same situation, they weren’t mad or emo or whatever people say to generalise difference….they just liked cutting =) for lack of a better term. as you are asking the question it on some level must bother you so try get to a doc and see what you can do to get some help. it will be better for you in the long run and when you are older you won’t have to cover up 24/7, to the society that will disapprove

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