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Alcohol-Based on a True Story

Alcohol-Based on a True Story


Do You Have an Alcohol or Drug Problem?
Filed under: alcohol abuse help

Alcohol and drug use can progress into abuse and even addiction so insidiously that sometimes people do not realize that it has become a problem for them and those around them. The following self-assessment tests can help you determine whether or not …


The Discovery House to Sponsor Lawyer Continuing Education Workshop
Filed under: alcohol abuse help

It will address issues that attorneys may encounter when working with clients that are facing charges related to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as helping those in the legal field find help for their own substance abuse. Levon Kevorkian, a Family …


Golf at Oak Hill benefits Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program
Filed under: alcohol abuse help

Proceeds benefit HDAP's treatment program in providing financial assistance to people in need of alcohol and substance abuse outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment who may do not have the money to get the help they need. HDAP, which has its …


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