Alcoholism: The Voice of a Child Living With Parental Alcoholism: ‘I Couldn’t Sleep Last … – Irish Independent

The voice of a child living with parental alcoholism: ‘I couldn’t sleep last … – Irish Independent
Filed under: Alcoholism

The voice of a child living with parental alcoholism: 'I couldn't sleep last
Irish Independent
The voice of a child living with parental alcoholism: 'I couldn't sleep last night with their fighting and roaring'. 0 Comments. Email; Print; Font Size. Alcohol Action Ireland is campaigning to have the rights and needs of children affected by alcohol



Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism –
Filed under: Alcoholism

Smartphone App May Help People Overcome Alcoholism
The clinical trial involved about 350 participants who successfully completed treatment for alcoholism in five residential programs — three in the Midwest and two in the northeastern United States. In the weeks prior to their release, half the

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Actress Elaine Stritch talks career, alcoholism, living in Michigan – WDIV Detroit
Filed under: Alcoholism

Actress Elaine Stritch talks career, alcoholism, living in Michigan
WDIV Detroit
The self-proclaimed alcoholic spent more than two decades avoiding alcoholic. “I wanted to prove to myself that I could go without alcohol, if I chose to. And I chose to. So, therefore, get off my back,” Stritch said. Her million-dollar condo is filled

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