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Alcoholism: Blind

Filed under: Alcoholism

Tap-tap. Tap-tap. The acute vibrations of the stick rattle through my arm. My senses work together, projecting a potential map of the surrounding terrain in my mind, and yet there is only the familiar darkness. An almost infinitesimal colour which would send most people spiralling into insanity. But


Is Hollywood Forty Eight Hour Miracle Diet Plan Secure
Filed under: Alcoholism

Alcoholi?m treatment b?gins whe? a single person who is addicted to li?uor starts accepting that he or ?he has f?ced the issues wit? alcoholism ?nd needs ther?py. Once he or s?e decides to keep away from alcohol for the sake of health, there starts the initial stage of alc?hol restoration. Today is


The Mental Health Care Act 2002 Is A Piece Of Ground-breaking Legislation That Is Unfortunately Not Covering Much Ground In The “real World”.
Filed under: Alcoholism

Lack of good food is paramount, followed by the environment, unemployment, Alcoholism, car accidents, mental and physical stress, as a therapist you learn as much from your clients as they learn from you – as they grow, so do you. Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi last month announced findings and re


Face the fear and blog anyway
Filed under: Alcoholism

Last week, for the first time since I started my blog, I felt I needed to defend my need to write and publish my story as if my life depended on it – like my blog’s existence depended on it. Someone important in my son’s life felt I was compromising Noo’s (as my son will now be referred to) anonymit


The Truth About Addiction To Alcohol
Filed under: Alcoholism

There are many people out there that do not realize that people can become dependent on alcohol. While it is legal, abuse can cause serious lifestyle and health ramifications. Here are several things that many people do not know or understand about alcohol addiction. It is not easy for someone who i


Alcoholism is a Choice


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