How Parents Can Assess a Teen Is at Risk for Drug Abuse
How Parents Can Assess a Teen Is at Risk for Drug Abuse
David Sack, M.D., addiction psychiatrist helps parents understand the risk factors for teen drug abuse as he did in his Huffington Post column, How to Assess…
Is Saudi Arabia losing the battle to combat substance abuse?
Filed under: alcohol abuse signs
Alastair Sloan There's a story in the medical journal Emergency Physicians International, in which a Saudi doctor finds a male patient convulsing on the floor of his ward, unable to talk. Suspecting the young man may be showing early signs of a heart …
GOP Attacks Hillary
Filed under: alcohol abuse signs
The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice—in other words, the religious police—has even taken its investigations online, monitoring Twitter for signs of sorcery. “Witchcraft trials remind us that we're all ….. Full of …
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