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Alcoholic “Butter Beer” Recipe?

Question by murmuringmelody: Alcoholic “butter beer” recipe?
Does anyone know where I can find a recipe for a drink that would pass as “butter beer”? It’s for a harry potter themed party this weekend (we’re all in our twenties and we’re all theatre geeks!). I’d probably need around 15 servings.

Best answer:

Answer by Sean
butter shots is a lacquer that tastes how I imagine butter bear to taste. Mix it with something stronger.

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The Beer Goddess: Not Even a Year Old, Coachella Valley Brewing Makes
Filed under: how do you help an alcoholic

Additions of Blue Weber Agave Nectar and clear candi sugar, imported from Belgium, lighten the body while adding complex alcoholic aromas and spicy flavors of banana, clove and anise. The complexity is complemented by the additions of tangerines and …


Broadway bound? Book this stylish hotel
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If alcoholic beverages do bring back memories of childhood, the bartenders – like all the staff here – are friendly without being ingratiating and will surely will help you through that trauma. BEST AMENITY. Refinery Hotel is best used as a jumping off …


Tax a Cola, Spend More Money Without Meaningful Benefits
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"A simple policy change like the Soda Tax can help us waste less water, lower our GHG production, and lessen the pollution of our air, water and soil. At the same time, it can fund vital programs in our schools, parks and neighborhoods to improve …


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