Teenage Alcohol Abuse Articles: Why Are People More Outraged by the Girl Throwing Puppies in the River?

Question by Brian Griffin: Why are people more outraged by the girl throwing puppies in the river?
Why is this apparently more of an outrage than the suffering of actual human beings? I mean when a child abuse case is made public, I rarely see this level of outrage. People suffer more than any puppies ever could. Those puppies probably actually died pretty quickly and painlessly. It looks demented and it is, but why the global outrage? It was just a dumb kid. I hear people calling for this girl to rot in prison or even be executed! REally? How about we start concentrating on animals after we’ve got human suffering taken care of?
I’ll share a story here that I’m sure will make some people want to puke: When I was a kid, my step dad, a paraplegic, was a bit of a redneck/hillbilly. I could tell horror stories all day but I’ll select the most relevant one and share. One day he asnwered an ad for two free puppies. We went to get them and I was confused as to why he wanted these two 3 month old mutts. He raised pure blood beagles for rabbit hunting and that’s all we dealt with. He wasn’t too keen on answering questions. So we drove out to this pond that we often fished in for catfish. He told me to take the pups and throw them into the pond. So I did. And as they swam for shore, he pulled out his 22 rifle and unloaded on them. He said it was to feed the catfish. True story. Did I feel bad about it? Well I was used to that type of sh!t and really had no choice in the matter. But yeah, it fecked with me. I’m glad nobody filmed me throwing them in, otherwise, there’d be a million people screaming for my head.

Best answer:

Answer by Adam2190
Believe it or not dogs have as much right to be on this planet as humans do it just so happens we’re the dominant species so everything else seems inferior.

It just so happens animals aren’t protected by the law nearly as much as people are and for that alone you often see videos of cruelty being carried out where as with humans it’s a lot more censored. When it comes down to it things that we ”see” rather than read or hear are taken far more serious.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Medical Datebook
Filed under: teenage alcohol abuse articles

The Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan offers a free, informational program and dinner for those with bleeding disorders and their immediate families, 6-8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, at Hotel Baronette Renaissance, 27790 Novi Road, Novi.


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